You can also grab my free printable Tooth Fairy receipt that matches this letter. If you’d like a letter that’s more personalized, I have this cute editable mini tooth shaped Tooth Fairy letter that you can add your child’s name and any message from the Tooth Fairy you want. This boy Tooth Fairy letter template even has the official stamp of the Tooth Fairy to show it’s authentic Tooth Fairy mail. You can leave this free printable Tooth Fairy letter for your little boy to wake up to in the morning along with their money or other surprise the Tooth Fairy has left for them. I created this cute Tooth Fairy letter for boys so they can get in on the Tooth Fairy fun with a letter made just for them.

Many of the Tooth Fairy letters are frilly or just look too girly for a boy. The Tooth Fairy sometimes can feel like such a girly thing.